Chinese Deals in Africa: Resource-Financed-Infrastructure Exchange Dynamics in Ghana’s Energy Sector
11. März 2024 | 15:30-17:00 Uhr | Zentrum für Entwicklungsforschung/Zentrum für Europäische Integrationsforschung (ZEF/ZEI), Raum 0.008, Genscherallee 3, 53113 Bonn
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The relationship between China and Ghana within the energy sector, with a specific emphasis on Resource-Financed-Infrastructure (RFI) deals, has garnered significant attention in recent years. These deals, which involve the exchange of natural resources for energy sector infrastructure development, have emerged as a prominent feature of Sino-Ghanaian cooperation and hold significant implications for Ghana’s domestic economy.
Endowed with abundant natural resources such as oil, gas, cocoa and bauxites, Ghana has sought to leverage these assets to attract foreign investment and support its development objectives. China, in turn, has been willing to provide financing and technology for needed infrastructure projects in exchange for access to Ghana's natural resources. As a result, China has emerged as a key investor in Ghana's energy sector, providing financing, technology, and expertise for the development of various energy projects, including power plants, transmission lines, and renewable energy initiatives among others.
In this upcoming iteration of the Katekisama Lecture Series, Mr. Nelson Quame will discuss the implications of Resource-Financed-Infrastructure (RFI) deals for Ghana's economic development, and their associated challenges and opportunities. Furthermore, by examining the experiences of Ghana within the broader context of Africa-China energy cooperation, this lecture will shed light on emerging trends, patterns, and lessons from the exchange deals between China and Ghana. Finally, focusing on the Bui Hydroelectric Dam and the Western Corridor Gas Infrastructure Projects in Ghana, Mr. Quame will discuss the implications of China's growing influence in Africa's energy sector for regional energy security, sustainability and governance, considering factors such as technological innovation and financial implication dynamics.
Die Katekisama-Vorlesungsreihe ist ein interdisziplinäres Diskussionsforum, in dem afrikanische, asiatische und europäische Perspektiven zu überregionalen Themen unter der Schirmherrschaft einer global vernetzten Wissenschaft zusammenkommen.

Nelson Quame, M.A.
Doktorand an der Universität Ghana, Argelander Fellow der Universität Bonn
Prof. Dr. Maximilian Mayer
Junior-Professor für Internationale Beziehungen und globale Technologiepolitik, Universität Bonn