Prof. Dr. Andreas Heinemann-Grüder im Gespräch mit Phoenix am 24.10.22 zum Wiederaufbau in der Ukraine
Prof. Dr. Andreas Heinemann-Grüder in conversation with Phoenix on 24.10.22 on reconstruction in Ukraine, the ''new Marshall Plan'' and the 5th German-Ukrainian Economic Forum.
Dr. Frank Umbach zur Energieversorgung und Sicherheit kritischer Infrastruktur im Phoenix-Interview am 20.10.22
Dr Frank Umbach talks about the current situation in Ukraine and energy supply in times of war. He also comments on the partial sale of the Port of Hamburg to a Chinese state-owned company and explains why ports are also part of Germany's critical infrastructure.
„Wir hätten schon vor Monaten Brennstäbe bestellen müssen“: Dr. Frank Umbach in an interview at Welt
"We should have ordered fuel rods months ago": Dr Frank Umbach in an interview at Welt on the debate about nuclear power on 18.10.2022. "Every power plant more makes sense," says energy security expert Frank Umbach. However, nuclear power plants have the added advantage of being the best protected against possible physical attacks or cyber attacks.
Prof. Dr. Andreas Heinemann-Grüder in an interview with Phoenix on the Ukraine war on 19.10.22
Prof. Dr. Andreas Heinemann-Grüder on the course of the Ukraine war and the consequences of Russia's annexation of Ukrainian territories.
"Kreml hält modernstes Gerät noch zurück" - Dr. Joachim Weber in an interview with NTV on 17.11.
For days now, Ukraine has been experiencing a veritable constant bombardment by the Russian army. Dr. Joachim Weber, a security expert at the University of Bonn, estimates that some 5,000 missiles have been fired at Ukraine since the war began. This, he says, points to Russia's "astonishing" reserves.  
Prof. Dr. Ulrich Schlie on the missile strike in Poland in the WDR 5 Morgenecho interview on 17.11.22
After the impact of a missile in Poland, the world held its breath. Such situations could "escalate militarily very quickly," says the holder of the Henry Kissinger Professorship at CASSIS, Prof. Dr. Ulrich Schlie. But NATO, the U.S. and Poland reacted appropriately to the situation, he said.
Der Deutschland-Fehler: Kein Ernstfall wurde je wirklich ernst genommen. Dr. Joachim Weber in Gastbeitrag bei Focus
Dr. Joachim Weber in a guest article for Focus Online: ''German security policy is standing there with its trousers down. Putin's invasion of Ukraine showed that all too clearly. Our country is in no way seriously prepared for an emergency. What is now urgently needed militarily.''
Global dialogue. Prof. Dr Anna-Katharina Hornidge in an article in the Frankfurter Rundschau
The global challenges - climate change, global health, food and debt crises, as well as global power shifts and the crisis of multilateralism - are too multifaceted, too universal and too dynamic to be addressed by a largely defensive logic.
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