Assessment of Evolving International Infrastructures and Pandemic Management
Governmental Responsiveness, Innovation and Politics of Care in International Comparison
This project investigates international approaches to pandemic management in relation to political decision-making and design processes during the current corona crisis. It relates change and continuity of epidemic infrastructures and processes before and during the pandemic to broader societal, social, political, economic and epidemiological developments. Based on in-depth country case studies, this project particularly focusses on politics and policies of care in global contexts. It contextualizes existing and emerging governance structures as well as political responsiveness, learning processes, turning points and (changes of) strategy under acute crisis conditions. The aim of this project is to identify strategic options that may point the way for future pandemic management strategies in Germany towards children, elderly people and intergenerational matters considering broader European and global contexts. This project is part of the collaborative research project egePan Unimed (Entwicklung, Testung und Implementierung von regional adaptiven Versorgungsstrukturen und Prozessen für ein evidenzgeleitetes Pandemiemanagement koordiniert durch die Universitätsmedizin) funded by the Germany Federal Ministry for Education and Research BMBF.
Duration: November 2020 – May 2021
Prof. Maximilian Mayer and Ga Young Lee are examining the genesis of South Korea's proactive pandemic management and the resulting learning processes.
In diesem Arbeitspapier beschreiben u.a. Katharina Cramer, Maximilian Mayer und Philip Nock kritische Unterbrechungen der grenzüberschreitenden Pflegebeziehungen und -arrangements aufgrund der Einführung von Grenzbeschränkungen zu Beginn der COVID-19-Krise in Deutschland und Vietnam. Die Autor:innen argumentieren, dass die spezifischen (geo)politischen Konstellationen und die besonderen sozioökonomischen Kontexte und Verbindungen der Pflege innerhalb und außerhalb dieser Länder entscheidende Aspekte dafür sind, wie und in welchem Ausmaß die Grenzbeschränkungen in jedem dieser beiden Länder variierten und unterschiedliche Härten für verschiedene Arten von Pflegebeziehungen verursachten.
Since the inauguration of China’s Belt and Road Initiative in 2013, its bold vision has become China’s most important global economic and foreign policy instrument. Dr. Frank Umbach elaborates on the future of China’s Belt and Road Initiative in his article “China’s Belt and Road Initiative is Faring”, which was published in Geopolitical Intelligence Services.
In diesem Arbeitspapier beschreiben u. a. Katharina Kramer, Maximilian Mayer und Philip Nock die Erforschung von staatlicher Politik, sozialen Initiativen Initiativen und digitale Innovationen als Teil der globalen und nationalen Unterbrechungen der Versorgung während der COVID-19 Pandemie und beleuchten die Schnittstellen zwischen nationaler und globaler Pflegepolitik.
In this "Elephant in the lab" opinion-piece Katharina C. Cramer discusses the impact of the Corona-Crisis on large scale research infrastructures and their limits of performance in the current situation.
An article by Julia Holz on Singapore's contact tracing and broken promise to make the data available to more than just health authorities.
Maximilian Mayer talks to SRF about ways to combat the pandemic.
A guest article by Prof. Dr. Maximilian Mayer, among others, in Cicero on Corona and an epidemic Orientalism.
Prof. Dr. Doris Fischer and Prof. Dr. Maximilian Mayer in a guest commentary in the Neue Zürcher Zeitung on the competition between systems in pandemic response
An academic text by Maximilian Mayer, among others, on ways to combat the pandemic.
Prof. Dr. Maximilian Mayer and Prof. Dr. Nicholas Ross Smith in "The Diplomat" about Chinas Pandemic policy.