Prof. Dr. Thomas Weber
Professor of History and International Affairs and Director of the Centre for Global Security and Governance at the University of Aberdeen & Associate Fellow of the Center for Advanced Security, Strategic and Integration Studies at the University of Bonn.
Mail: t.weber@abdn.ac.uk
Phone: +44 1224 27 3539
Address: Department of History, University of Aberdeen
Crombie Annexe, Meston Walk, Aberdeen, AB24 3FX, United Kingdom
Twitter: @thomas__weber
Thomas Weber is Professor of History and International Affairs as well as the founding Director of the Centre of Global Security and Governance at the University of Aberdeen. He also is an Associate Fellow of the Center for Advanced Security, Strategic and Integration Studies at the University of Bonn and Senior Associate of the Centre for European, Russian and Eurasian Studies at the Munk School for Global Affairs and Public Policy at the University of Toronto. His research and teaching expertise lies in European, international, and global political history from the 19th century to the present.
A native of Breckerfeld in Westphalia, he earned his DPhil from the University of Oxford in 2003. Before coming to Aberdeen, Weber held fellowships or taught at the Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton, the University of Pennsylvania, the University of Chicago, and the University of Glasgow. Since joining Aberdeen, Weber has held visiting positions at the Center for European Studies and the Weatherhead Center for International Affairs at Harvard University in 2008/2009 and from 2012 to 2015.
His first book, Lodz Ghetto Album, won a 2004 Golden Light Award and a 2005 Infinity Award. His second book, Our Friend “The Enemy” was the recipient of the 2008 Duc d’Arenberg History Prize for the best book of a general nature, intended for a wide public, on the history and culture of the European continent. His third book, Hitler's First War, was published in English by Oxford University Press in 2010, as well as in eight other languages. It is the recipient of the 2010 Arthur Goodzeit Book Award of the New York Military Affairs Symposium for the best book on military history. It is also being adapted into a TV mini series by UFA-Fiction and Beta Film. His latest book, Becoming Hitler: The Making of a Nazi, was published in 2017. A El Mundo Top 10 Best Seller, it was translated into several languages and was shortlisted for the 2018 for the 2018 Elizabeth Longford Prize. He also is the co-editor of Vom Nachkrieg zum Vorkrieg: Die Pariser Friedensverträge und die internationale Ordnung der Zwischenkriegszeit (Wiesbaden: Nomos, 2020) and editor of Als die Demokratie starb: Die Machtergreifung der Nationalsozialisten – Geschichte und Gegenwart (Freiburg: Herder, forthcoming).
Thomas Weber occasionally serves as an analyst on history and contemporary international affairs for news outlets and organizations in Europe, North America, and the Middle East. He also is the co-author of a report on the future of transatlantic relations.
Selected Publications
- Weber, Thomas, Becoming Hitler: The Making of a Nazi (Basic Books & Oxford University Press, 2017, pbk. 2021).
German edition: Wie Adolf Hitler zum Nazi wurde: Vom unpolitischen Soldaten zum Autor von ‚Mein Kampf’ (Berlin: Propyläen, 2016); Dutch edition: Hitlers Metamorfose: Hoe een gewone soldaat de architect van nazi-Duitsland werd (Amsterdam: Nieuw Amsterdam, 2016); Spanish edition: De Adolf a Hitler: La construcción de un nazi (Madrid: Editorial Taurus, 2018; & Barcelona: Círculo de Lectores, 2018); Chinese edition: Gingko (forthcoming); Brazilian Edition: Tornando-Se Hitler: A Construção De Um Nazista (Rio de Janeiro: Editora Record, 2019); French edition (Paris: Armand Colin, 2021); Italian edition: (Gorizia: LEG Edizioni, forthcoming). - Weber, Thomas, Hitler’s First War: Adolf Hitler, the Men of the List Regiment and the First World War (Oxford University Press, 2010).
- German edition: Hitlers Erster Krieg: Der Gefreite Hitler im Ersten Weltkrieg – Mythos und Wahrheit (Berlin: Propyläen, 2011; List-Verlag 2012 (pbk)); Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung (pbk); Dutch edition: Adolf Hitler en de Eerste Wereldoorlog (Amsterdam: Nieuw Amsterdam, 2011); Swedish edition: Hitlers Första Krig (Historiska Media, Lund, 2011); French edition: La premiere guerre d'Hitler (Editions Perrin, Paris, 2012); Polish edition: Pierwsza wojna Hitlera (Rebis, Poznan, 2011); Czech edition: Hitlerova První Válka (Jota, 2011); Spanish edition: La primera guerra de Hitler (Taurus, Madrid, 2012); Danish edition: Hitlers Første Verdenskrig (Informations Forlag, Copenhagen, 2012); Russian edition: Eksmo; Italian edition: La Grande Guerra di Hitler 1914-1918 (Gorizia: LEG Edizioni, 2017)
- Film rights optioned by UFA-Fiction & Beta Films. UFA/Beta series bought by TF1. - Weber, Thomas, ‘Our Friend “The Enemy”’: Elite Education in Britain and Germany before World War I (Stanford: Stanford University Press, 2008).
- Weber, Thomas, Lodz Ghetto Album: Photographs by Henryk Ross (photographs selected by Timothy Prus & Martin Parr) (London: Chris Booth, 2004).
- Weber, Thomas (ed.), Als die Demokratie starb: Die Machtergreifung der Nationalsozialisten – Geschichte und Gegenwart (Freiburg: Herder, forthcoming).
- Lojko, Miklos; Schlie, Ulrich; and Weber, Thomas (eds.), Vom Nachkrieg zum Vorkrieg: Die Pariser Friedensverträge und die internationale Ordnung der Zwischenkriegszeit (Wiesbaden: Nomos, 2020).