Maximilian Schranner, M.A.
PhD student, PhD scholarship holder of the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung e.V., project coordinator
Phone: 0228/73-3579
Adress: Römerstraße 164, D-53117 Bonn
LinkedIn: Maximilian Schranner
Twitter: @MaxSchranner
Maximilian Schranner studied political science, sociology and history at the University of Bonn and completed his master's degree with a thesis on how conflict actors in Yemen and Somalia deal with the corona pandemic (grade 1.1). Already in his bachelor thesis he dealt with alternative state entities such as Somaliland and the Islamic State in International Relations.
In 2021, he served as executive director (parental leave replacement) at CASSIS. He gained practical experience in academia and practice at SFB 1167 "Power and Rule - Pre-modern Configurations in Transcultural Perspective," the Federal Academy for Security Policy (BAKS), and the German Foreign Office. In May/June 2023, he was able to present and discuss his research and further expand his network as a guest lecturer (Erasmus+) at Reichman University Herzliya in Israel.
Under Prof. Dr. Wolfram Hilz, he is pursuing his dissertation project on the connection between health crises and armed conflicts. Since summer 2023, he is a doctoral fellow at the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung e.V. and a member of the International Doctoral Program "Security and Development in the 21st Century".
In addition, he is involved in Polis180 as head of the regional group Rheinland and the Young Professionals Group of the International Club La Redoute.
Research Interests
Non-traditional security | Armed conflicts | Wider Horn of Africa | Strategic foresight
- Perspectives of the Global South: A Vision together with Europe?, in: Report | Bonn Vision Lab – Envisioning Zeitenwende, Februar 2024. Link.
- Kurzbericht zum Bonn Future Lab on Strategic Foresight „Climate Change and Security”, in: ZfAS, April 2023. Link.
- i.a.: Where are we heading? Eine junge Perspektive, in: 49security. Impulse für die neue Sicherheitsstrategie, 03.11.2022. Link.
- with Philip Nock: Über die Zukunft gibt es keine Tatsachen, nur Interpretationen – ein Plädoyer für das Ernstnehmen Strategischer Vorausschau, in: Polis180 Summer of Security, 01.11.2022. Link.
- i.a.: From the Ashes of Wishful Thinking. Living up to the New World of Power Politics, in: PolisBlog, 10.03.2022. Link.
- with Victoria Toriser: Assessing Strategic Consequences for Europe, the U.S. and Germany. The ISFB 2021 Foresight Workshop “Strategic China”, in: The International Security Forum Bonn 2021 Report, Bonn 2022, S. 55-71. Link.
- Mohammed bin Salman: Der Architekt des „vierten saudischen Staats“ in der Corona-Krise, in: Ohnesorge, Hendrik W./Gu, Xuewu (edd.): Weltpolitische Gestaltung in Zeiten von COVID-19. Zur Rolle von Persönlichkeit und Führungsstil in der Coronakrise, Wiesbaden 2022, S. 249-268. Link.
- Konfliktanalyse bei Marx, in: Politik und Gesellschaft, 02/2020, S. 89-112.
- Spoiler, Parastaaten, Units? Alternativstaatliche Polities aus neorealistischer Perspektive. Die Beispiele Somaliland und Islamischer Staat, Baden-Baden 2019. Link.
Research Projects
- Author and Project Team Sicherheitsforschung.NRW