Prof. Dr. Tao Chen
E-Mail: taochen@tongji.edu.cn
Adresse: Römerstraße 164, D-53117 Bonn
Prof. Dr. Tao Chen is Associate Professor at the Institute of German and EU Studies at Tongji University in Shanghai. His dissertation, which he completed in 2014, was on the topic „National Interests versus Ideology: The Foreign Policy of the GDR towards China, North Korea and North Vietnam during the Sino-Soviet Split (1960-1977).“ Furthermore, he was a Research Fellow at the Institute of Contemporary History in Berlin and at the National Chengchi University in Taipei. He has written and published numerous articles on Sino-German relations and German/European engagement in East Asia during the Cold War.
Research Interests
Cold War | German-Chinese Relations | Economic Policy
Research Projects
Selected Publications
- Tao Chen (2023), “Between Economy and Politics: China and the Leipzig Trade Fair (1950-
1966), European Review of History, 2023, 30:3. - Tao Chen, Jan Zofka (2023): “Economic Dimensions of the Sino-Soviet Alliance and Split.
Introduction to the Special Issue”, European Review of History, 2023, 30:3. - Tao Chen, Jan Zofka (2022): “The Economy of the Sino-Soviet Alliance: Trade and Transfers
between Eastern Europe and China during the Early Cold War”, Jahrbuch für Wirtschaftsgeschichte, 2022, 63:2. - Tao Chen (2019): “Weathering the Storms: East German Engineers in Zhengzhou (1954-1964)”, The China Review, Vol.19, No.3, 2019,pp.39-64.
- Tao Chen (2019): “East German Pragmatism, China’s Policy of Differentiation and Soviet Miscalculation: Hermann Matern’s 1961 trip to Beijing revisited”, Cold War History, Vol.19,No.1, 2019, pp.85-99.
- Tao Chen (2018): “Learning from the PLA: The Mass Line in the East German NVA”, in Janick Schaufelbuehl, Marco Wyss and Valeria Zanier, ed., Europe and China in the Cold War: Exchanges beyond the bloc logic and the Sino-Soviet Split, Brill, 2018.