A view on Climate Change and Security from the Regions
Sunday, October 2, 2022 - 09:00 a.m. - 10:30 a.m.
Droughts and forest fires in Central Europe, food crises in East Africa and catastrophic floods in South Asia - the consequences of climate change are becoming visible almost every day. In addition to the immediate humanitarian effects, practice and science in a wide variety of disciplines also raise the question of what consequences global climatic changes have on political constellations. Do they fuel conflicts or do they offer space for cooperation and rapprochement? Will they be overshadowed by global power competitions or will these geopolitical conflicts recede into the background in the future due to the existential challenge facing humanity?
The third day of the Bonn Future Lab 2022 starts with this public discussion event to give an on-site perspective on important questions from the nexus climate change security. Representatives of the foreign offices of the cooperation partners of the Bonn Future Lab 2022, Friedrich Naumann Foundation for Freedom and Hanns Seidel Foundation, will share their experiences from particularly affected countries and regions. In this way, German and European perceptions can be compared with the assessment on site. How do politics, business and civil society perceive climate change in different regions and what political necessities do they derive from this? Where do problems and potential for conflict arise? And where are sustainable, locally adapted and innovative solution strategies developed? Is there scope and willingness for international efforts to meet the diverse challenges?
No registration is required to attend in person.

Sebastian Vagt
Friedrich-Naumann-Stiftung für die Freiheit, Morocco
Dr. Vanessa Gottwick
Kompetenzzentrum Krisenfrüherkennung an der Universität der Bundeswehr
Maximilian Schranner
Center for Advanced Security, Strategic and Integration Studies (CASSIS)