Challenges for the EU's Common Foreign and Security Policy in the Light of Russia's Agression against Ukraine

May 20, 2022 16:00 - 18:00 Uhr | Hauptgebäude, HS IX 

As part of the seminar "Europe/EU as an independent actor in foreign and security policy, aspiration and reality" by Ambassador (ret.) Dirk Brengelmann, there will be a guest lecture on May 20 at 4 p.m. by Thomas Osswoski, representative in the Political and Security Committee of the Permanent Mission of the Federal Republic of Germany
to the European Union, titled "Challenges for the EU's Common Foreign and Security Policy in Light of Russia's Agression against Ukraine." Guests are welcome to attend the lecture. Registration is not required. 

Register for the event at the following links:

Registration presence: Register here

Registration Zoom: Register here

Poster Veranstaltung am 20.05.-6.png

Further information

The event takes place in cooperation with the Society for Security Policy and Polis180.

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