Großbritannien und Nordirland, Deutschland und Europa - Einblicke und Erfahrungen in bewegten Zeiten

22.11.2022, 6:00 pm - 7:30 pm | Festsaal of the University of Bonn 

In May 2022, the Henry Kissinger Professorship for Security and Strategy Studies at CASSIS launched the event series "North Rhine-Westphalia and the World" under the patronage of Bonn's Lord Mayor Katja Dörner.

In the course of the series, Prof. Dr. Ulrich Schlie invites consuls general from the state capital Düsseldorf to the international UN and federal city of Bonn for a lecture event followed by a discussion. As diplomatic representatives of their country, they will speak from their national perspective on important international issues as well as the significance of North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany's largest federal state, for their respective home countries. 
For the event "Great Britain and Northern Ireland, Germany and Europe - Insights and Experiences in Turbulent Times" we welcome the British Consul General Mr. HMCG Rafe Courage as the next guest in the series. 

Europe is once again facing enormous challenges with the war in Ukraine, the ongoing Covid 19 pandemic and advancing climate change. At the same time, Europe is still in the process of preparing for "Brexit", which not only represents a serious break in the history of European integration, but has also brought lasting consequences for economic and security cooperation as well as cultural and scientific exchange between the UK and the EU. HMCG Rafe Courage will share his experiences and impressions as British Consul General and discuss challenges and future perspectives for British-German and British-European cooperation with Prof. Dr. Ulrich Schlie. 
Finally, the talk will be opened to the audience, who will have the chance to engage in a direct exchange and discussion with the Consul General and the Henry Kissinger Professor.

Please register for the event with Anna Lena Gansäuer: 

NRW und die Welt


Welcoming remarks:

Prof. Dr. Ulrich Schlie
Henry-Kissinger-Professor for Security and Strategy Research, Director of the Center for Advanced Security, Strategic and Integration Studies (CASSIS)
University of Bonn



HMCG Rafe Courage
British Consul General, Düsseldorf



HMCG Rafe Courage and Prof. Dr. Ulrich Schlie


Further Information

In Cooperation with the city of Bonn.

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