Die neue Sicherheitsarchitektur 

Die Rolle der Universitäten vor dem Hintergrund zunehmender Unsicherheiten

Wednesday, 25 January 2023, 19:00 - 20:30 | Festsaal |University of Bonn

++++ Room change: "Festsaal" of the University of Bonn ++++

The changes in the world order that have been advancing for years, the growing threat potential posed by hybrid warfare, and, not least, the Russian war of aggression raise a number of fundamental questions in German foreign, security, and defense policy. In order to find well-considered and efficient answers to these questions, synergies between politics and science are essential.

What is the role of universities in this context? What is the significance of their research in Germany's security architecture? What is the potential of political-scientific cooperation and is it currently being used exhaustively by universities and ministries?


Together with the German Academic Exchange Service, the Henry Kissinger Professorship for Security and Strategy Research at CASSIS at the University of Bonn is organizing this event to bring together the political and academic cosmos in a discussion event and to discuss common paths.

Registration with Fenja Wiluda: wiluda@uni-bonn.de

VA 25.01. Universitäten-2.png



Prof. Dr. Volker Kronenberg

Dean of the Faculty of Philosophy, University Bonn


Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Michael Hoch

Rector, University of Bonn


Univ.-Prof. Dr. Phil. Dr. h.c. Joybrato Mukherjee

President of DAAD, Bonn



Vito Cecere

Commissioner for Foreign Science, Education and Research Policy, Federal Foreign Office, Berlin


Prof. Dr. Anna-Katharina Hornidge 

German Institute of Development and Sustainebility

Armin Reinartz

Federal Ministry of Education and Research 


Prof. Dr. Ulrich Schlie

Henry Kissinger Professor for Security and Strategic Studies and Director of CASSIS, University of Bonn

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