Astropolitik. Die neue strategische Rivalität im Weltraum

April 26, 2023 | 6 - 8 p.m. | Lecture Hall VII, Main Building University of Bonn

First event of the lecture series "Nach den Sternen greifen. Der Weltraum als Wirtschafts-, Lebens- und Wettbewerbsraum im 21. Jahrhundert" (Summer Semester 2023) with PD Dr. Antje Nötzold.

The system conflict between the USA and China is already shaping international relations in the 21st century to a considerable extent. In this context, the strategic rivalry is not only taking place on Earth, but also increasingly in space and goes far beyond a "second space race" to the moon. The event will therefore address the questions of what characterizes this strategic rivalry in space and what its implications are.

To this end, it will first explain what constitutes a space power and the characteristics of power rivalry in space. The dimensions of the importance of space in systemic conflict - symbolic, economic, military, strategic - are explained, and the trend of space securitization with the resulting implications is outlined. Based on U.S. "space superiority," the challenges posed by Chinese space activities, strategy, and goals are presented, as are U.S. perceptions and responses to the new dimensions of the space challenge.

Building on this analysis of the situation and trends of future developments, the potentials for an expansion of international governance in space are examined on the one hand. On the other hand, the conflicts resulting from the space activities and ambitions of the two dominant powers are explained and their risks of escalation are assessed.

VA 26.04 Astropolitik


Opening remarks:

Dr. Enrico Fels
Executive Director of the Center for Advanced Security, Strategic and Integration Studies, University of Bonn


PD Dr. Antje Nötzold

Associate Fellow, CASSIS
Research Assistant at the Chair for International Politics, TU Chemnitz


Arne Sönnichsen
Coordinator of the SichTRaum research network

In close cooperation of:

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