Aufstieg der Golfmonarchien: Herausforderungen und Chancen

September 12, 2023 | 18:30 - 20:00 | via Zoom

An online debate on the topic of the Gulf states in a Franco-German perspective.
Saudi Arabia, Qatar, the United Arab Emirates, Bahrain, Kuwait, and Oman: the Gulf monarchies are important partners for many countries in the northern hemisphere. Over decades, the U.S. and Europe have built a flourishing economic, defense and defense cooperation with the Gulf states, which are located in one of the world's most oil-rich and volatile regions. As global energy suppliers, key players in Middle East stability, and in the fight against Islamist terrorism, they are attracting international interest. The Russian war of aggression in Ukraine has once again highlighted the role of the Gulf states.

In addition, the Gulf monarchies have been attracting attention for several years through ambitious economic diversification measures. These are intended to reduce dependence on oil resources. Germany and France are also very interested in expanding partnerships with the Gulf states to other sectors, despite ongoing criticism of the lack of respect for human and civil rights standards.

To what extent are Germany, France and the Gulf states interdependent? What opportunities do cooperative ventures with the Gulf states offer and what problems might they entail? How can longer-term strategies be created at the European level with regard to the Gulf monarchies?

The next round of discussions in the "Franco-German Strategic Dialogue" will be devoted to these and many other questions.


In conversation:

Héloïse Fayet

Forscherin am Centre des Études de Sécurité de l'Ifri, Paris


Dr. Dalia Samra-Rohte

Delegierte der Deutschen Wirtschaft für Saudi-Arabien, Bahrain und Jemen, Riad


Dr. Sebastian Sons

Senior Researcher am CARPO, Bonn



Andreas Noll

Journalist, Deutschlandfunk/ Deutsche Welle und Host des Podcasts Franko-viel, Bonn

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