Der Krieg um die Ukraine - eine aktuelle Lageeinweisung 

September 26, 2023 | 07:00 PM - 08:30 PM | via Zoom

In the past, the core elements of rule-based international security policy were trust and a commitment to avoid war. However, Russia's brutal war against Ukraine, which is contrary to international law, has changed the circumstances of life as well as thinking and acting not only in Ukraine. Unfortunately, this war in Europe illustrates that peace cannot be taken for granted. How did the war come about, what is the current situation? From what does Ukraine draw the immense strength to defend itself? What lessons can be learned from the course of the war so far for the military capabilities of NATO, the Bundeswehr? What does Ukraine need to force the aggressors to the negotiating table?

Topics we would like to discuss in a Zoom webinar with a well-known Austrian analyst of the war over Ukraine.

Zoom registration here. The access data for the webinar will be sent to you automatically after registration. On the Internet, guests can follow the presentation live via Zoom, participate in the discussion via a Q&A function and also address their own questions/comments to the speaker. The event will be recorded and can be followed on the GSP YouTube channel.

We cordially invite you and other interested parties from your circle of friends and acquaintances to this cooperation event with the Gesellschaft für Sicherheitspolitik e.V. and look forward to seeing you! For further events please have a look at the homepage of the Bonn section of the Gesellschaft für Sicherheitspolitik e.V. and at our website.



Richard Rohde

Society for Security Policy e.V., Section Head Bonn


Oberst d.G. Dr. Markus Reisner, PhD

Commander of the Guard Austrian Armed Forces

in conversation with

Dr. Enrico Fels

Executive Director of the Center for Advanced Security, Strategic and Integration Studies, Bonn University

Questions & Answers

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