Neue Wetterzonen der Weltpolitik: Die Entwicklungen rund um den Indischen Ozean

30 April 2024 | 06:15-07:45, p.m | Lecture Hall VII, Main Building, University of Bonn

In the third decade of the 21st century, it is becoming increasingly clear that we are facing major challenges. Humanity's hunger for resources is growing, conflicts over the use of space are increasing and the importance of the oceans for the world's growing population seems to be increasing at the same rate. But where exactly do these challenges lie and where are new approaches to tackling them emerging? In a colourful bouquet of topics, the second series of the maritime lecture series shows the diversity of the tasks facing business, politics and science at sea.
Energy issues and the movement of goods, raw materials and knowledge production, but also classic topics such as order at sea and the security of nations will be on our minds this semester. And as a result, it will once again become clear that although humanity lives on land, it is existentially dependent on what happens in the blue water column of our planet.



Prof Dr Christian Bueger, Professor of International Relations at the Faculty of Political Science at the University of Copenhagen

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