‘Opportunism or grand strategy - Putin's foreign policy’

21 November 2024 | 19:00 - 20:30 | BMVg, Bonn - Fontainengraben 150

‘Opportunism or Grand Strategy - Where does Putin want to go with his foreign policy?’ How does Putin think, what are his goals, how does Russia define its place in the international system, why does the population not oppose more intensively, ‘what would a world without Putin be’ (Putin quote)? Alexey Yusupov is a political scientist specialising in security policy and social crisis resilience. After previous postings as office manager of the Friedrich Ebert Foundation in Kazakhstan, Afghanistan and Myanmar, he is now the head of the Russia programme. He is a proven expert and has insider knowledge of the current situation in Russia thanks to his agile network and Russian language skills.

Opportunismus oder Grand Strategy-8.png
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