European Strategic Dialogue: Rallying the (Defense Industrial) Base – The Future of Europe’s Defense Industry

March 07, 2024 | 12:00 - 01:00 pm | via Zoom

Amid a rapidly changing global security environment, Europe is under pressure to take more responsibility for its own security and in the protection of liberal democracies worldwide. For Europe to step up, there is an urgent need to bolster its defence industrial base. After thirty years of deprioritisation, the industry is now expected to boost production, create more synergies and develop new capabilities. This is important for Europe's new security architecture, but also to play a role in addressing the EU's geopolitical challenges. In response to the current wars and geopolitical crises, the EU has launched several initiatives to stimulate the joint development and procurement of arms and their provision to partners. Despite this clear signal, there remains a significant gap between ambition and reality. This discussion will address these European initiatives, identify remaining challenges and obstacles, and explore new ways to make Europe's defence industrial base fit for the future

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Opening remarks:
Dirk Brengelmann
German Ambassador (ret.) to the Netherlands, CASSIS Senior Fellow

Vassilis Theodosopoulos
Manager Security & Defence, ASD Europe

Ralph Thiele
CEO StratByrd consulting

Tania Latici
Political Officer
Office of the Managing Director for Peace, Security and Defence, EEAS

Jeroen Dobber
Head of the Global Security Hub at Friedrich Naumann Foundation

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