Dr. Hans-Dieter Heumann on the meeting of Federal Minister of Defense Boris Pistorius with Arvydas Anušauskas

Dr. Hans-Dieter Heumann, former President of the Federal Academy for Security Policy, comments on the joint statement of Federal Minister of Defense Boris Pistorius with Arvydas Anušauskas (Minister of Defense Lithuania) on the Ukraine war.

France's opaque Russia policy - Dr Johanna Möhring on the SRF podcast "Echo der Zeit"

CASSIS Fellow Johanna Möhring talks to SRF about French policy towards Russia.

Dr. Moritz Brake in an interview on Deutschlandfunk

Senior Fellow Dr. Moritz Brake in an interview on Deutschlandfunk's "Europa heute".

James Bindenagel in a guest article at Bituk Media

James Bindenagel in a guest post at Bituk Media on the anniversary of Russia's war of aggression on Ukraine.

Dr. Joachim Weber in a guest article for FOCUS online

Dr. Joachim Weber in a guest article for FOCUS online on the topic: Der strahlende Sieg Kiews ist eine schöne Idee - Wirklichkeit wird sie nicht

Dr. Frank Umbach featured Interview on Der Standard

Dr. Frank Umbach, research director of EUCERS, was featured in an interview on Der Standard in the article "Panzerkiller statt Drohnenabwehr: Wie Russland Marker-Roboter einsetzen will“. 

Dr. Hans-Dieter Heumann on the Role of the Weimar Triangle at the Munich Security Conference

Dr. Hans-Dieter Heumann, former President of the Federal Academy for Security Policy, comments on the role of the Weimar Triangle at the Munich Security Conference

Dr. Joachim Weber with an assessment of the Munich Security Conference on Phoenix on 19.02.23.

Dr. Joachim Weber on China's peace initiative and with a summary of the 59th Munich Security Conference.

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