Obituary - "Dank Kissinger bekam Deutschland eine zweite Chance" Ulrich Schlie in the Frankfurter Rundschau
Ulrich Schlie published an obituary for Henry Kissinger in the Frankfurter Rundschau on 30 November 2023.
Obituary for Henry Kissinger - Ulrich Schlie for Aktuelle Stunde (WDR)
Ulrich Schlie honours Henry Kissinger in an interview with Aktuelle Stunde (WDR).
Obituary for Henry Kissinger - "Ein Glücksfall für Deutschland" Ulrich Schlie for Cicero
Ulrich Schlie honours Henry Kissinger in an article for Cicero.
Obituary for Henry Kissinger - "Er war eine Ausnahmegestalt" Ulrich Schlie on WELT TV
Ulrich Schlie honours Henry Kissinger's work in an interview on WELT TV.
Ulrich Schlie on the role of Henry Kissinger for the professorship in the General Anzeiger
On the occasion of his death, Ulrich Schlie spoke to the General Anzeiger about Henry Kissinger's role for the professorship of the same name.
Hans-Dieter Heumann: Assessment of the NATO meeting
CASSIS Senior Fellow Hans-Dieter Heumann at phoenix on the NATO meeting
Ulrich Schlie on ZDF heute on the presumed poisoning of Marianna Budanowa
Ulrich Schlie analyses the suspected poison attack on the wife of the head of the Ukrainian military intelligence service in an interview with ZDF heute.
Dr. Frank Umbach on the high losses of the Russian army
In an interview with Phoenix, CASSIS Fellow Dr. Frank Umbach talks about the high losses of the Russian army and its recruitment problems.