Dr. Frank Umbach on the EU oil import embargo and the G7 oil price cap

In a TV interview with Phoenix, Dr. Frank Umbach talks about the EU oil import embargo and the G7 oil price cap.

Digitalisierung: Erst abgehängt, dann abhängig

Prof. Maximilian Mayer and the president of the Bundesverband IT-Mittelstand (bitmi) call in the tagesspiegel background for a more strategic digital policy from the German government that also takes global dependencies in the technology sector into account.

Die tiefe Verankerung der Russland-Nähe in Deutschlands Politik

After the Russian invasion of Ukraine, Olaf Scholz called for a change of era. Ulrich Schlie, a longtime senior official at the Foreign Office and the Ministry of Defense, however, does not expect Germany's pro-Russia policy to really turn away. There is one reason above all for this.

Dr. Frank Umbach in a TV interview with WeltN24 on the gas contract between Qatar and Germany.

Dr. Frank Umbach talks about the gas contract between Qatar and Germany in a TV interview with WeltN24.

Asia's middle powers are building new regional order

Prof. Maximilian Mayer and Narayanappa Janardhan, senior research fellow at the Anwar Gargash Diplomatic Academy in Abu Dhabi, examine in a article for Nikkei Asia how middle powers are trying to fend off pressure to choose sides between the U.S. and China and

Raketeneinschlag in Polen: "NATO hat besonnen reagiert"

Ulrich Schlie speaks in the WDR 5 Morgenecho about the missile strike in Poland and NATO's actions.

Dr. Frank Umbach on the problems with emergency aid and capping of gas and electricity prices.

In a TV interview with WeltN24, Dr. Frank Umbach talks about the problems with emergency aid and the capping of gas and electricity prices.

Dr. Frank Umbach on the opening of the completion of the LNG terminal in Wilhelmshaven.

Dr. Frank Umbach speaks in a TV interview for Phoenix on the opening of the completion of the LNG terminal in Wilhelmshaven.

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