28. May 2024

"Tech Middle Power"-Workshop 2024 "Tech Middle Power" Workshop 2024

How can middle powers succeed in maintaining an independent technology policy in the face of intensifying rivalry between the United States and China? Through more cooperation!

Universität Bonn
Universität Bonn © CASSIS
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The "Tech Middle Power" workshop on May 2 and 3, 2024 focused on the question of concrete cooperation opportunities between middle powers, in particular between Israel and Germany. CASSIS and the University of Bonn welcomed numerous international guests to Bonn for this event.

A detailed report and more background information can be found under the link below.

Partners included the German Israeli Foundation for Scientific Research and Development, the Abraham Accords Institute for Peace and Regional Integration, Institute for International Cooperation Technological Diplomacy and Communication, CASSIS, University of Bonn, Reichman University, and NRW Staatskanzlei, Landesbüro Israel.

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