Der Atlantik - „Hausmeer“ der atlantischen Zivilisation

05. December 2023 | 18:15-19:45 | Lecture hall III, main building University of Bonn

The North Atlantic has been the lifeline of Europe for hundreds of years and, after the world wars, has almost become something of an inland sea between Europe and America. For a long time it has not only symbolically been the connecting sea of our connection to the West, an important guarantor of our climate, a source of our energy, a traffic route and the center of our security. Is it still so now, and above all: will it remain so? How reliable is this bond that has grown over long periods of time? Has the not only American focus on the Indo-Pacific set other priorities? Is the re-establishment of the US 2nd Fleet in Norfolk, Virginia, a signal for our security and a warning to the Russian Federation? There are many questions that looking at the Atlantic raises.




Vice Admiral (ret.) Lutz Feldt,

former inspector of the navy

Questions & Answers

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