30. November 2023

Obituary for Henry Kissinger - "Ein Glücksfall für Deutschland" Ulrich Schlie for Cicero Obituary for Henry Kissinger - "Ein Glücksfall für Deutschland" Ulrich Schlie for Cicero

Ulrich Schlie honours Henry Kissinger in an article for Cicero.

Universität Bonn
Universität Bonn © CASSIS
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On the occassion of his death at the age of 100, Cicero published an obituary of former US Minister for Foreign Affairs Henry Kissinger by Ulrich Schlie. From his flight from his home country Germany to his death in Connecticut, USA, Ulrich Schlie describes the life of the influential diplomat. Above all, he pays tribute to his unsparing realism, his profound intellect and his attachment to Germany.

Go to the publication in Cicero

Ulrich Schlie is director of the Center for Advanced Security, Strategic and Integration Studies (CASSIS) and Henry Kissinger Professor of Security and Strategic Studies at the Institute for Political Science and Sociology.

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