Dr. Frank Umbach in an NTV interview on US weapons for Ukraine

CASSIS Fellow Dr. Frank Umbach analyzes the significance of US weapons for Ukraine in an interview with NTV.

Dr. Frank Umbach in a Phoenix interview on the G7 meeting and support for Ukraine

CASSIS Fellow Dr. Frank Umbach analyzes the G7 meeting and support for Ukraine in an interview with phoenix.

Dr. Frank Umbach in an NTV interview on arrested spies

In an interview with NTV, CASSIS Fellow and security expert Dr. Frank Umbach shed light on the background to the arrest of saboteurs on behalf of Russian secret services as part of the Kremlin's hybrid warfare.

Dr. Frank Umbach on Russian espionage in Germany

Studio interview with Dr. Frank Umbach, security expert and CASSIS Fellow, on Russian espionage in Germany.

Dr. Frank Umbach in a Phoenix interview on the Iranian attack on Israel

Security expert and CASSIS Fellow Dr. Frank Umbach assesses the current security situation in the Middle East and analyzes the Iranian attack on Israel.

Former ambassador Dr. Hans Dieter Heumann in a phoenix interview on the situation in the Middle East

Dr. Hans Dieter Heumann, former President of the Federal Academy for Security Policy and former ambassador, now a CASSIS Fellow, on the situation in the Middle East.

Former ambassador Dr. Hans Dieter Heumann on "phoenix vor ort" on the Middle East situation

In the phoenix interview "phoenix vor ort", former ambassador Dr. Hans Dieter Heumann, former President of the Federal Academy for Security Policy and current CASSIS-Fellow, gives his assessment of the current situation in the Middle East.

Prof. Dr. Andreas Heinemann-Grüder in conversation with FOCUS: Putin's war of aggression and the consequences

Political scientist and CASSIS Fellow Prof. Dr. Andreas Heinemann-Grüder sharply criticizes all "hesitators and procrastinators" who advocate a dirty peace at the expense of Ukraine. In the end, this would only benefit warlord Putin - and increase the risk for the West.

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