The study highlights how agribusinesses leverage sectoral platforms for farming optimization, while Big Tech provides critical digital infrastructure. Drawing on expert interviews, field observations, and economic mapping, the authors reveal how these partnerships consolidate services, blur industry boundaries, and reinforce market concentration. This dynamic increases farmers' dependency and contributes to fragmented data ecosystems in digital agriculture.
Digital platforms in the agricultural sector: Dynamics of oligopolistic platformisation Digital platforms in the agricultural sector: Dynamics of oligopolistic platformisation
Monja Sauvagerd, Prof. Dr. Maximilian Mayer & Prof. Dr. Monika Hartmann
In their article, Monja Sauvagerd, Maximilian Mayer and Monika Hartmann introduce the concept of "oligopolistic platformisation" to explore the dynamics of collaboration and competition between multinational agribusinesses and Big Tech in the agricultural sector. They analyze this phenomenon through platform mechanisms such as datafication, selection, and commodification.

Digital platforms in the agricultural sector: Dynamics of oligopolistic platformisation
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