Politics and Governance of Global Infrastructures

Technological infrastructures connect people, societies, political fields and economies in a highly interconnected global civilization in many different ways. Even if they often remain hidden or are assumed to be fixed constants, infrastructures are co-constitutive for forms and processes of global politics in equal measure. They are of enormous importance for the institutions and structures of globalized international relations as central arenas of power and in some cases even possess actor quality in a phase of global techno-social transformation.

This interdisciplinary research project uses different methods, access points, and theoretical approaches to examine the political debates that revolve around infrastructures and range from everyday situations to security policy, as well as their structural effects. It also analyzes intergovernmental negotiations and multi-actor cooperation for their improved governance. Research results are linked to the development of solutions and strategic options.


Avatar Mayer

Prof. Dr. Maximilian Mayer

Participating Researchers

Avatar Bērziņa-Čerenkova

Dr. Una Aleksandra Bērziņa-Čerenkova

Avatar Cramer

Dr. Katharina C. Cramer

Avatar Lu

Yen-Chi Lu

Avatar Nock

Philip Nock

Avatar Schmitz

Frederik Schmitz

Associate Fellows

Avatar Huang

Dr. Ying Huang

Former Employees

Avatar Huppenbauer

Nicolas Huppenbauer

Avatar Ullrich

Maria Ullrich

Research Projects

 Infrastructures of China's Modernity

Surveying the Strategic Digital Policy

Asia-European Consortium on AI Research (AECAIR)

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© Dianne Hope/Pixabay

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