Trans-Atlantic Drift and Global Shift - Can the United States and Europe Compete in a Rapidly Changing World?

18. April 2018

Lecture an discussion with

Prof. Earl H. Fry
Professor of Political Science and Endowed Professor of Canadian Studies at Brigham Young University

The relationship between the US and the European Union is more resilient than the media and public figures currently state. However, Fry calls for intensifying economic, political, and military ties nevertheless. He underlines the fact that the United States are still ‘a big and strong global player’ with huge potential also for stronger cooperation with its European partners. According to Fry, economic power is a main element of a superpower, which is needed in order to stand up for values like the rule of law, democracy, human rights – the cornerstones of the liberal world order.

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In cooperation with the Amerika Haus NRW e.V.

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