Between Impeachment and Second Term
07. November 2019
Lecture and discussion with
Barbara Jean Comstock
Former member of the U.S. House Representatives from Virginia’s 10th district, Member of the Republican Party
Raymond Eugene Green
Former member of the U.S. House Representatives from Texas' 29th district, Member of the Democratic Part
The White House seems to be in a state of great uncertainty. What are the odds of a successful impeachment procedure? How will it affect the next presidential election? And will the Trump Administration continue in office after 2020 despite the current turmoil?
After sharing their respective party’s views on these and other urgent questions, former members of Congress Barbara Comstock and Raymond Green debated where Europe’s key transatlantic partner may be headed in a discussion moderated by Dr. Hendrik Ohnesorge, University of Bonn.
In cooperation with the Amerika Haus e.V. NRW and the Friedrich-Nauman-Stiftung.