Turntable NRW. The Transit Country at the Centre of World Politics
Juli 06 2020
Since the end of the Cold War, Germany has advanced from a former "frontline state" to the new "power in the middle" of Europe. At its heart, the most populous and economically strongest state of NRW plays a key strategic role. Here, the traffic flows from East and West condense like a bottleneck and move the transit country into the centre of world politics. We are taking the geopolitical central position of North Rhine-Westphalia as an opportunity to talk to high-ranking experts about the resulting logistical responsibility for Europe. Are our roads wide, the tunnels high and the bridges strong enough? How can physical, procedural and legal obstacles on the way to a "military Schengen" be removed? Where do synergy effects arise from the expansion of civil-military dual-use projects? How can the expectations of our alliance partners regarding their ability to act as host nation be reconciled with local citizens' initiatives who are rebelling against the expansion of railways on their doorstep? And finally: What takes priority when military equipment from the USA meets consumer electronics from China in Duisburg, Europe's largest inland port.

Online event (zoom)
Brigadier General Torsten Gersdorf
Commander of the State Command of North Rhine-Westphalia
Dr. Mark Speich
State Secretary for Federal and European Affairs and International Affairs of North Rhine-Westphalia
Dr. Christian Greeting
Member of the Management Board of DB Netz AG responsible for Sales and Timetables
Dr. Claudia Major
Head of the SWP Security Policy Research Group