The Geopolitical Implications of Climate Change

Febuary 12th 2020

Lecture and panel discussion with

Professor Brahma Chellaney
Center for Policy Research in New Delhi

Climate Change and Geopolitics: Human activities are contributing to hydroclimate changes, including greater parched conditions. Climate change, for its part, expresses itself through water, including in the form of more frequent storms and hurricanes and accelerated ocean-level rise. The climate-water nexus is at the core of our environmental challenges. Yet the biggest impediment to tackling the challenges is international geopolitics. Without improved global geopolitics, there can be no effective counter against global warming.

Poster Chellaney.png

Weitere Informationen

This event was kindly supported by the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung and took place in cooperation with King's College London and the European Centre for Climate, Energy and Resource Security (EUCERS).


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