Looking Ahead - Security Governance Challenges in Africa

January 15th 2020

Lecture and discussion with

Prof. Dr. Dr. Joseph Diescho
Former Managing Director of the Namibia Institute of Public Administration and Management

Africa is a continent in flux. It remains at the crossroads of old and new civilizational dynamics.

Predominantly pre-capitalist, it is also becoming the playground for new economic forces, such as the Chinese thrust on the world stage. With its extraordinary demographic growth, corruption among the post-colonial African elites worsening and faced with the systemic difficulties of governing states whose colonial borders neglect cultural ones, the continent is ripe with potential, but also a fertile breeding ground for further religious and ethnic assertions, conflicts and violent strives.

Security governance in Africa is clearly set to become even more uncertain in the future. At the same time, Africa’s development is a key factor in Europe’s stability as well. Where is this complex, young and rapidly changing continent headed? CASSIS will receive Prof. Dr. Dr. Joseph Diescho to look ahead, illuminate existing terrains of potential conflicts, and anticipate potential future developments.

Read our report of the event here


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