Debate the Debate - The last TV Duel of the Presidential Candidates in the US Election Campaign

October 23, 2020, 6 p.m. hours

Donald Trump/Mike Pence or Joe Biden/Kamala Harris? Starting in late September, the race for the White House will go into the finale. As with every US presidential election, we will experience a media firework display this time as well. This year's election campaign is particularly heated, especially in the midst of the uncertain Corona situation.

In preparation for the election on November 3, the Commission on Presidential Debates organized three debates in which the two presidential candidates duel each other. The last debate between Donald Trump and Joe Biden took place on October 22 in Nashville, hosted by Kristen Welker (NBC News), and was broadcast, themed and discussed worldwide.

The event featured highlights from the last TV duel between the presidential candidates before the election date. Afterwards, our experts analyzed and evaluated the TV debate, gave an outlook on the election and its possible consequences for German foreign policy, and answered questions.

Last Debate Poster III online.png


Panel discussion with:

Bijan Djir-Sarai MdB
Foreign Policy Spokesman of the Free Democratic Party in the German Bundestag

Prof. Dr. Sabine Sielke
Director of the North American Studies Program at the University of Bonn

Moderation: Bianca Thomas

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In cooperation with AmerikaHaus NRW e.V. and the Friedrich Naumann Foundation. 

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