The Election of Fate on November 3 - The United States' Claim to World Power and the Future of the Transatlantic Alliance

29 October 2020, 12 - 1.45 p.m. | Zoom

With the American elections on November 3, the course for transatlantic relations and the future political orientation of Germany is set. Stefan Kornelius, head of the foreign policy department of the Süddeutsche Zeitung and one of the leading experts on American foreign policy, analyzed current political trends in the United States in conversation with Ulrich Schlie, Henry Kissinger Professor. Benjamin Becker, Director of AmerikaHaus NRW e.V., introduced the event.

Schicksalswahl 3. November - Weltmacht USA und Deutsche Krieger_ Militaergeschichte-2.png


Impulse presentation and subsequent discussion with:

Stefan Kornelius
Head of department "Foreign Policy", Süddeutsche Zeitung

Ulrich Schlie
Henry-Kissinger-Professor of Security and Strategic Studies, University of Bonn

Benjamin Becker
Director AmerikaHaus e.V.

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In cooperation with AmerikaHaus e.V. NRW.

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