Asia’s Energy Megatrends versus COP26 Climate Targets: Gaps, Challenges and Perspectives

November 2021, 11:00 - 13:00 Uhr

Digital EUCERS-Expert Seminar

In contrast to many European discussions on global climate change, the future climate change will primarily be determined by Asia’s energy and climate policies as the following facts are highlighting:

- More than 70% of the global energy demand by 2040 might result from Asia’s emerging economies and developing countries (including China and India).

- At present, of the more than 2,600 coal-powered plants operating globally, 71% are located in Asia - with some 200 coal-fired plants currently under construction, 90% of global greenfield coal capacity (with 95 in China and 28 in India.

- In 2020, China’s share of global emissions already increased up to more than 30% of the world’s total ones (2019: 28%), compared with just 7.7 percent of the EU-27 (and around 9% by including UK).

In this light, the expert seminar will highlight and discuss the regional energy megatrends in Asia in the light of the Glasgow COP26 summit by reviewing the major results of the study of the United Nations-Economic and Social Committee in Asia and Pacific (UN-ESCAP): “Strengthening Energy Security and Building Resilience in the Asia–Pacific” (Bangkok 2021, 150 pp. – available on the EUCERS website: by its author Dr. Frank Umbach (Head of Research at EUCERS/CASSIS). In addition, Mr. Michael Williamson (Section Chief of the Energy Division of UN-ESCAP) and a representative of the International Renewable Agency (IRENA) and its Technology and Innovation Centre in Bonn will highlight some additional results of their recent studies of new regional and global energy developments for our expert discussion.



Dr. Friedbert Pflüger
Head of EUCERS


Introduction and Summary

Dr. Frank Umbach
Head of Research at EUCERS



Michael Williamson
Section Chief of the Energy Division of UN-ESCAP, Bangkok


Selected Global Energy Analyses

Nicholas Wagner
Programme Officer, Renewable Energy Roadmaps (REmap) at the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA)

Weitere Informationen

In Kooperation mit UN-ESCAP und IRENA.
Diese Veranstaltung hat in englischer Sprache als Teil eines Seminars an der Universität Bonn stattgefunden.

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