European Strategic Dialogue: Navigating Strategic Connections between Europe and Asia

09.10.2023 | 6:00 - 7:30 pm | online via Zoom

in englischer Sprache

The European Strategic Dialogue (ESD) organises quarterly sessions that touch upon the security and defence policies of the Netherlands, Germany, France and the EU. We organized several seminars on topics such as European Security Strategies and the European Strategic Compass. The ESD is collectively organized by the University of Bonn/CASSIS, the Institute of Security and Global Affairs/Leiden University and the Friedrich Naumann Foundation. In cooperation with Landry Charrier, Associate Fellow at SIRICE (Sorbonne, Paris).

This panel focuses on the future of the strategic relationship between Europe and Asia. We recognize that China, as a prominent player, plays a significant role in this dynamic but want to keep our perspective broad. Which other actors might play a part in this strategic relationship and what to consider? We also want to gain insight into the expectations of the United States regarding Europe within this context - and what this entails for our policies.

Zoom registration here.

ESD 09.10 mit FNF Link.png


Ambassador (ret.) Dirk Brengelmann
Senior Fellow at CASSIS

Dr. Frans-Paul van der Putten
Senior Research Associate at the Clingendael Institute

Dr. Alice Ekman
Senior Analyst at European Union Institute for Security

Prof. Dr. Maximilian Mayer
Junior-Professor of International Relations and Global Politics of Technology, CASSIS

Jeroen Dobber
Head of the Global Security Hub at Friedrich Naumann Foundation

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