New Corridors Across a Shifting Eurasia: The Belt and Road Initiative Through Its First Decade

23. Juni 2023 | 18:00 - 20:00 Uhr | Hörsaal II, Hauptgebäude, Universität Bonn

Launched by China in 2013, the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) is now 10 years old. In addition to the important dimensions of the BRI and its powerful impacts, such as a debate on its global geopolitical implications, the BRI has fostered a number of historically unprecedented but little understood regional corridors.

In this talk, Prof. Chen will present recent analyses of several established and emerging corridors linking Southwest China-Southeast Asia, West China-Central Asia, Central Asia-South Caucasus-Turkey, West China-Western Europe, and North China-Russia-Far East.

In doing so, Prof. Chen will also highlight the impact of the growing great power rivalry between China and the United States, slowing globalization, and the war in Ukraine on these regional corridors created by the BRI.

BRI - One Decade



Prof. Dr. Chen Xiangming

Trinity College, Hartford Connecticut


Prof. Dr. Maximillian Mayer

Junior-Professor of International Relations and Global Politics of Technology, Universität Bonn

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