"We have always been here, although they didn't show us." Indigenous People's Rights in Bridging Heritage Cosmopolitics and Digital Technologies

16.05.2023 | 18:00 - 20:00 Uhr c.t. | Hauptgebäude Universität Bonn | Hörsaal IV 

Veranstaltung 5/11 der Ringvorlesung "Digitalization of Memory Practices and Heritage in Global Perspectives" im Sommersemester 2023

Die Veranstaltung ist hybrid angelegt, womit die Teilnahme in Präsenz und auf digitalem Weg möglich ist. Falls Sie über Zoom teilnehmen möchten, wird um eine frühzeitige Anmeldung per E-Mail an kranzant@uni-bonn.de wird gebeten. Wenn Sie in Präsenz teilnehmen möchten, ist keine Anmeldung erforderlich.

Die Sprache der Veranstaltung ist Englisch.

On the lecture series

How has digitalization changed the way we remember personally and collectively? Through their omnipresence, digital applications and infrastructures seem to be reshaping memory culture and practices around the globe. Mobile devices and cloud services enable individuals to access images, texts, and video recordings from the past anywhere and anytime. Collections are being digitalized and made more accessible. During the Corona Pandemic, museums offered virtual tours. Governments are also using digital tools increasingly to shape authoritative cultural heritage and public discourses on identity and history. 

Digitalization does not only facilitate a greater diversity of memories and voices. Digitalization also challenges conventions and can enables manipulation and selection of content. The consequences with which the intersection between technologies and cultures has been set in motion can be best discussed by comparing memory & heritage practices in different societies and world regions. How is the personal ability to remember changing and which materials are becoming new and differently accessible for remembering? What kind of influence do platforms and social media have on forms of memory in rural Africa or hyper-urban China? How does digital creativity differ in remembering in Europe, Latin America and Africa? How do digital tools enable us to perceive everyday culture on the one hand and global interconnections such as colonialism, climate change, and geopolitics on the other hand? Does the relationship between cultures of memory and digital technologies differ significantly or are they similar in African, American, European, and Asian countries?


Vortrag & Diskussion


Dr. Francesco Orlandi

Adjunct professor at the Department of History and Culture, University of Bologna


Dr. Juan Villanueva

Researcher at the Department of Anthropology of the Americas, University of Bonn

Dr. Francesco Orlandi


Prof. Dr. Carla Jaimes Betancourt

Lecturer at the Department for the Anthropology of the Americas, University of Bonn

Weitere Informationen

In Kooperation mit dem Meertens-Institut der Königlich Niederländischen Akademie der Wissenschaften. Gefördert durch die TRA 5 der Universität Bonn und durch das Ministerium für Kultur und Wissenschaft des Landes Nordrhein-Westfalen.

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