All Publications
Here you can find the collected CASSIS publications and media contributions by Prof. Dr. Maximilian Mayer.
A complete list of his publications can be found here.
A scientific analysis by Maximilian Mayer, Emilian Kavalski, Marina Rudyak and Xin Zhang on the complex and transformative nature of Global China.
Prof. Dr Maximilian Mayer & Dr. Susanne Peters discuss the security implications arising from the interplay between energy security, new energy technologies and the dynamics of climate change in an article for the newly published "Handbook on Climate Change and International Security",
Prof. Dr Maximilian Mayer & Yen-Chi Lu, PhD student at CASSIS, discuss in their article for
SIRIUS - Journal for Strategic Analyses, they discuss Europe's position within the structures of global digital dependency. To do so, they draw on the "Digital Dependence Index", a measurement of the dependencies of various countries in the field of digital technologies.
Under the editorship of Prof. Dr. Maximilian Mayer Guest, the Special Issue "Politics of Memory, Heritage, and Diversity in Modern China" was recently published in the Journal of Current Chinese Affairs. In various articles and in the introduction by Maximilian Mayer & Karolina Pawlik, the Special Issue addresses questions of the interaction between collective memory and Chinese identity, cultural modernisation and political mobilisation.
Prof. Dr. Maximilian Mayer and Kunhan Li, coctoral candidate at the University of Nottingham — Ningbo, China, investigate Chinese space diplomacy and its bifurcation between institutionalised multilateral cooperation and state-centric bilateral co-operation.
Prof. Dr. Maximilian Mayer and Prof. Josef Gregory Mahoney, Professor of Politics and International Relations at East China Normal University, have edited a Special Issue of the Journal on Chinese Political Science.
Together with Amir Elalouf, Maximilian Mayer has contributed a chapter called "Assessing the Financial and Geoeconomic Implications of China’s Digital Currency" in a publication edited by Tim Rühlig. It highlights the possible effects of the e-CNY on European security, values and competitiveness, and recommends steps to improve Europe’s economic and technological stance.
Nicolas Huppenbauer, Dr. Ying Huang and Prof. Maximilian Mayer explore the tension between digital fragmentations and connectivity in Chinese cyberspace and introduce a new term "selective connectivity".
Prof. Maximilian Mayer and Ga Young Lee are examining the genesis of South Korea's proactive pandemic management and the resulting learning processes.
Prof. Dr. Maximilian Mayer writes on China's technological influence in Africa as part of a Center for Global Studies publication.
Prof. Dr. Maximilan Mayer and Dr. Ying Huang discuss digital currencies, monetary sovereignty, and U.S.–China power competition in their new research article.
Prof. Maximilian Mayer and Dr. Ying Huang are examining Chinese data power by providing a new conceptual framework.
Maximilian Mayer and Yen-Chi Lu develop a Digital Dependency Index (DDI) that provides a precise description of the state of digital dependencies in a global comparison. With the help of the DDI, the complex subject of strategic digital policy can also be better mapped: Worldwide, 23 economically leading countries were identified as having different degrees of digital dependency in terms of trade in digital goods and services, in the area of information and communication infrastructures, and with regard to intellectual property rights for digital technologies.
In diesem Arbeitspapier beschreiben u.a. Katharina Cramer, Maximilian Mayer und Philip Nock kritische Unterbrechungen der grenzüberschreitenden Pflegebeziehungen und -arrangements aufgrund der Einführung von Grenzbeschränkungen zu Beginn der COVID-19-Krise in Deutschland und Vietnam. Die Autor:innen argumentieren, dass die spezifischen (geo)politischen Konstellationen und die besonderen sozioökonomischen Kontexte und Verbindungen der Pflege innerhalb und außerhalb dieser Länder entscheidende Aspekte dafür sind, wie und in welchem Ausmaß die Grenzbeschränkungen in jedem dieser beiden Länder variierten und unterschiedliche Härten für verschiedene Arten von Pflegebeziehungen verursachten.
Since the inauguration of China’s Belt and Road Initiative in 2013, its bold vision has become China’s most important global economic and foreign policy instrument. Dr. Frank Umbach elaborates on the future of China’s Belt and Road Initiative in his article “China’s Belt and Road Initiative is Faring”, which was published in Geopolitical Intelligence Services.
In diesem Arbeitspapier beschreiben u. a. Katharina Kramer, Maximilian Mayer und Philip Nock die Erforschung von staatlicher Politik, sozialen Initiativen Initiativen und digitale Innovationen als Teil der globalen und nationalen Unterbrechungen der Versorgung während der COVID-19 Pandemie und beleuchten die Schnittstellen zwischen nationaler und globaler Pflegepolitik.
A Scientific Analysis of China's Pandemic Management by Maximilian Mayer, Kunhan Li, and Ningjie Zhu.
An academic text by Maximilian Mayer, among others, on ways to combat the pandemic.
Ein von Prof. Dr. Maximilian Mayer herausgegebenes Buch, das die neue Rolle und die Ambitionen von Chinas neuer Führung im Weltgeschehen bewertet, die erste theoriegeleitete Sammlung von Perspektiven zu Chinas Belt and Road Initiative bietet und vergleichende, regionale, nationale und theoretische Perspektiven zu Chinas ehrgeizigstem außenpolitischen Projekt liefert.
A book co-edited by Maximilian Mayer examines the role of art and sovereignty in global politics. Published in 2017, it is now available for free use.
Paper by Prof. Dr. Maximilian Mayer, among others, on Covid-19 and vaccinations (Toolbox #9 NoCovid: SARS-CoV2 vaccinations).
Paper by Prof. Dr. Maximilian Mayer, among others, on Covid-19 and risk incidence (Toolbox #7: Risk Incidence, Toolbox #8: Just Start).
Paper by Prof. Dr. Maximilian Mayer, among others, on Covid-19 and education (Toolbox #6: Education, Schools and Kitas)
Paper by Prof. Dr. Maximilian Mayer, among others, on Covid-19 and test strategies (Toolbox #6: Intelligent Test Strategies).
Paper by Prof. Dr. Maximilian Mayer, among others, on Covid-19 and testing strategies (Toolbox #1-#4)
Paper by Prof. Dr. Maximilian Mayer, among others, on the fight against Covid-19.
In this working paper, Sandra Ciesek et al. describe possible testing strategies that would enable PCR-based testing capacity and testing practice to be greatly expanded throughout Germany.
In this paper, Bude, Heinz et al. advocate a number of measures to keep the SARS-CoV-2 replication number below 1 and to set the stage for successful pandemic response.
Media Contributions
- In the New Cold War, Europe’s Approach to China Is Already Outdated
- Is Europe Still Relevant?
- Auswege aus der digitalen Unmündigkeit
- A healthier China-EU relationship
- Können die USA mit Chinas Seidenstraßen-Initiative konkurrieren?
- Can the US compete with China's Belt & Road Initiative?
- Do more clubbing. How forming partnerships can help tech middle powers survive the escalating US-China tech war
- 2023: EU decoupling from China?
- La supremacía global en juego: por qué EE. UU. ha emprendido una guerra tecnológica contra China
- Social Media ermöglichen die Proteste
- Digitalisierung: Erst abgehängt, dann abhängig
- Asia's middle powers are building new regional order
- Digitale Autonomie in der EU "kaum mehr als eine Illusion"
- China-Experte Abhaengigkeit laesst sich nicht ueber Nacht verringern
- Weltmacht-Rivalität beim 20. Parteitag der KP
- In der digitalen Abhängigkeit
- Die eskalierenden geopolitischen Rivalitäten stellen die Globalisierung infrage – will Europa am Fortschritt teilhaben, muss es auch für politisch heikle Systeme offen bleiben
- "Deutsche U-Boote stehen seit Jahren auf dem Wunschzettel"
- Warum China gegen seine Tech-Elite vorgeht
- Europe and China at a Crossroads
- An uncomfortable friendship? China's Russia problem
- Der Weg nach Moskau führt über Peking
- Europas Olympia-Dilemma
- Politische Risiken für deutsche Unternehmen in China sind deutlich größer geworden
- Corona-Management der Regierung: "Das ist willentliche Planlosigkeit"
- Have we reached peak China?
- "Eine Schockwirkung für Europa"
- Chinas neue Seidenstraße - Bedrohung oder Chance für Europa?
- Genug gewartet – fünf Schritte aus der Pandemie
- Was wir von Asien zu Corona lernen könnten