Infrastructures of Logistics
Massive investments in ports, highways, railway connections and submarine cables will not only bring to life China’s dream of a new Silk Road, but also lay the infrastructural groundwork for an interregional integration of the Eurasian continent and beyond. While material and financial aspects of this integration process have reached an impressive magnitude and are in the focus of media attention, this subproject examines a less noticed aspect: the Chinese influence on ideas of space and on spatial planning procedures in selected countries, which may dictate the long-term territorial transformation potential of such infrastructures of logistics. What specific concepts and spatial practices such as “corridorization” are emerging? Is there a transfer of alternative forms of territorial and regulatory statecraft derived from China’s modernity? How does China’s participation in the planning and construction of gigantic infrastructures and new urban centers worldwide shape the spatial dimensions of a newly emerging political order on the one hand, and novel capitalist constellations of connectivity on the other?
Former Employees
Visiting Fellows

Routledge Handbook on Global China
Edited By Maximilian Mayer, Emilian Kavalski, Marina Rudyak & Xin Zhang
Routledge, October 2024

From the Middle Out and Bottom Up: The Belt and Road Initiative at 10 and Corridor Connectivity
Xiangming Chen
The World Financial Review, 18 August, 2023

China’s Bifurcated Space Diplomacy and Institutional Density
Maximilian Mayer & Kunhan Li
The Hague Journal of Diplomacy 18 (2023), 1-29

China’s Engagement in Africa: Activities, Effects and Trends
Maximilian Mayer, Xuewu Gu et al.
Global Focus, Center for Global Studies, 2022

Theorizing China-world integration: sociospatial reconfigurations and the modern silk roads
Maximilian Mayer and Xin Zhang
Review of International Political Economy, 28 (4), 974-1003, 2021

Belt and Road Cities begin to find their form
Maximilian Mayer and Simon Curtis
CIDOB Opinion, No. 630, Barcelona Centre for International Affairs, 2020

Rethinking the Silk Road. China’s Belt and Road Initiative and Emerging Eurasian Relations
Maximilian Mayer (Ed.)
Springer Singapore 2018
Media Contributions
- Not potato chips, but (micro)chips: How can Malaysia overcome its digital dependence and achieve industrial transformation? (要晶片不要薯片,大马如何摆脱数位依赖实现工业转型?). BFM, September 2023.
- Don’t overestimate the impact of China’s Digital Silk Road (莫高估中國推數位發展成效). CAN, September 2023.
- Chinas neue Seidenstraße - Bedrohung oder Chance für Europa? Planet Wissen, Juni 2021.
Recorded Events
#DFS2023 Geopolitik, Technologie und die Zukunft der deutsch-chinesischen Wirtschaftsbeziehungen
Bild © Bundesakademie für Sicherheitspolitik / YouTube
#DFS2023 Geopolitik, Technologie und die Zukunft der deutsch-chinesischen Wirtschaftsbeziehungen
25 May, 2023 | Deutsches Forum Sicherheitspolitik, The Federal Academy for Security Policy & CASSIS
Standards und Staatskapitalismus – Chinas Rolle bei der Setzung internationaler Normen
Bild © Friedrich-Naumann-Stiftung für die Freiheit / YouTube
Standards und Staatskapitalismus – Chinas Rolle bei der Setzung internationaler Normen
11 May, 2023 | Dialogue Series Understanding China's Modernity - European Reflections
Infinite Expanses? The Politics of China's Space Science and Technology
Bild © Berlin Contemporary China Network / YouTube
Infinite Expanses? The Politics of China's Space Science and Technology
10 May, 2023 | Lecture Series China – The New Science Superpower?, Berlin Contemporary China Network
„China in der deglobalen Konstellation“, Dialog mit Heinz Bude
Bild © Schaubühne Berlin / YouTube
„China in der deglobalen Konstellation“ - Dialog mit Heinz Bude
14 November, 2022 | „Streit ums Politische - Krieg und Frieden“, Schaubühne Berlin
Chinesische Globalisierung und moderne Metropolen
Bild © Friedrich-Naumann-Stiftung für die Freiheit / YouTube
Chinas ökonomischer Fußabdruck in Europa und die Zukunft der EU-China Beziehungen
24 February, 2022 | Dialogue Series Understanding China's Modernity - European Reflections
Chinesische Globalisierung und moderne Metropolen
Bild © Friedrich-Naumann-Stiftung für die Freiheit / YouTube
Chinesische Globalisierung und moderne Metropolen
20 January, 2022 | Dialogue Series Understanding China's Modernity - European Reflections
China als entwicklungspolitisches Gegenmodell: historische und globale Perspektiven
Bild © Friedrich-Naumann-Stiftung für die Freiheit / YouTube
China als entwicklungspolitisches Gegenmodell: historische und globale Perspektiven
18 November, 2021 | Dialogue Series Understanding China's Modernity - European Reflections
Further Events

What is Global China?
Roundtable | 24 October, 2023
There are few who would question that China is a key international actor that can affect processes and outcomes from Mekong to the Moon. The roundtable at the Jagiellonian University Kraków, in which Prof. Dr Maximilian Mayer participated as a discussant, tried to find answers to questions around "Global China".

10 years BRI—Learning Processes, Policy Adaptations and Managing Complexity
Workshop | 6-7 July, 2023
The Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) has transformed China's foreign policy, signalling a much more ambitious and influential Chinese role in international affairs. The BRI has raised several research questions and generated a large literature, most of which has focused on the ways in which China has changed or seeks to change the international and regional order. This workshop instead takes an inward-looking perspective, focusing on an aspect that has received surprisingly little attention. What lessons have Chinese leaders and experts learned after a decade of the BRI? What kind of (formal and informal) learning processes are associated with the BRI and how have they influenced policy corrections and shifts? Which BRI policies/approaches and objectives have been adjusted and why? Are key concepts such as "dual circulation" and new initiatives such as GSI, GDI and GCI linked to the BRI experience? If the BRI is an example of "experimental policy," what can we infer about the Chinese state's evolving approach and ability to manage complexity at the international level?
Venue: Academy of International Affairs NRW, Rheinallee 24, 53173 Bonn