Understanding China's Modernity – European Reflections
China's rapid modernisation has turned the country into a leading economic and technological power with global appeal. It was not only the Covid 19 pandemic that made it clear that China's modernity poses a challenge from a European perspective, raising normative, economic and political questions. The dialogue series "Understanding China's Modernity - European Reflections" approaches these questions from many perspectives and through the lenses of different disciplines. Once a month, renowned experts address different aspects of today's Chinese politics, economy and society, critically questioning them and at the same time reflecting on their own, European modernity.
This dialogue series is organised within the framework of the research group "Infrastructures of Chinese Modernity and their Constitutive Global Effects", which is funded by the NRW Return Programme of the Ministry of Culture and Science of the State of North Rhine-Westphalia.
Format: Online. Moderated discussion and conversation with audience. The dialogue series is hold exclusively in German.
Time: Usually once a month, Thursdays, 6:30 - 8 p.m.
Partner/performers: CASSIS and Friedrich Naumann Foundation for Freedom
All event dates
- 22.04.2021: China's handling of the Corona pandemic: Lessons for Europe?
- 20.05.2021: Taiwan and the Future of Democracy in Asia
- 24.06.2021: China's Renaissance in the Context of Global History
- 07.07.2021: China's Growing Data Power - Implications for Europe
- 15.07.2021: Civil Society and Human Rights in the Digital Dictatorship
- 16.09.2021: Inevitable or Misguided? Debates on China's Tradition and Modernity in Images of the Foreign and the Self
- 28.10.2021: A Place in the Sun? Fleet modernisation in the context of Chinese geopolitics
- 18.11.2021: China as a development policy counter-model: historical and global perspectives
- 09.12.2021: Varieties of Capitalism and Regulatory Policy in China
- 20.01.2022: Chinese Globalisation and Modern Metropolises
- 24.02.2022: China's economic footprint in Europe and the future of EU-China relations
- 24.03.2022: Science and Modernisation in China
- 19.05.2022: Party State and Ideology: How to Decipher China's Modern Ruling Practices?
- 23.06.2022: Geopolitics and connectivity: China's strategic relations with the North Atlantic region
- 14.10.2022: Environment, Climate and China's Unfinished Modernity
- 17.11.2022: Modernisation and Minorities in China
- 19.01.2023: Educated, patriotic, postmodern? What makes China's young generation tick
- 02.02.2023: How China-competent are we? On the State of the Interplay between German China Research and Policy
- 11.05.2023: Standards and State Capitalism - China's Role in Setting International Norms
- 22.06.2023: 10 years of social credit system in China: surveillance dystopia or trust-building infrastructure?
- 13.07.2023: Modern Chinese: Linguistic Peculiarities and the Art of Cultural Translation
- 18.01.2024: Entrepreneurship, innovation, reform backlog - China's economy in crisis?
- 29.02.2024: China's civil society in the authoritarian modern age
Last published
Modernes Chinesisch: Sprachliche Besonderheiten und die Kunst kultureller Translation
Modernes Chinesisch: Sprachliche Besonderheiten und die Kunst kultureller Translation
13 July, 2023 | Guests (among others) Prof. Dr. Andreas Guder & Karin Betz