Aberdeen & Bonn Global Conversation with Stella Ghervas on Conquering Peace: From the Enlightenment of the European Union

13. Mai 2021, 17:00 - 18:30 Uhr, CET

In this conversation, Stella Ghervas discusses her new book Conquering Peace: From the En-lightenment to the European Union (Harvard University Press, 2021). The book charts out the search since the 18th century of European thinkers, diplomats, and leaders for an enduring peace. The book argues that peace as a value, as a concept, and as an ideal shaped the idea of a unified Europe long before the EU came into being.

Stella Ghervas is Professor of Russian History at Newcastle University. The author of the prize-winning Réinventer la tradition: Alexandre Stourdza et l’Europe de la Sainte-Alliance, Prof. Ghervas is currently completing Calming the Waters? A New History of the Black Sea: 1774-1920s for Cambridge University Press.

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