Prof. Dr. Ulrich Schlie
© Ulrich Schlie / CASSIS

Prof. Dr. Ulrich Schlie

Director of the Center for Advanced Security, Strategic and Integration Studies (CASSIS)
Henry Kissinger Chair for Security and Strategic Studies at the Institute for Political Science and Sociology.


Tel.: 0228/73-7639
Address: Genscherallee, 2nd Floor, D-53113 Bonn
Twitter: @CASSIS_Bonn


Ulrich Schlie joined the Foreign Service in 1993 as a member of the 48th attaché course after working for the Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik (SWP) in Ebenhausen/Isar for two years. He was the political director at the Federal Ministry of Defence, Berlin from 2012 to 2014 and headed the Policy Planning Staff of the Minister of Defence from 2005 to 2012. He habilitated in February 2020 with a thesis on the strategic change in the foreign and security policy of the Federal Republic of Germany since 1949 at the Andrássy University in Budapest. In 1992 he obtained his doctorate at the University of Bonn with a thesis bearing the title “Secret talks with the opponent. The Western Powers and the Peace Issue in World War II”. He completed his studies in Medieval and Modern History, Political Science and Romance Studies in 1991 with a Magister Atrium degree at the University of Bonn.

Ulrich Schlie was the owner of the Chair for Diplomacy II at Andrássy University Budapest, Professor of Practice at Tufts University (Medford, MA/USA), Fellow at the Weatherhead Center at Harvard University (Cambridge, MA/USA), Visiting Fellow at the Nato Defence College Rome, Visiting Scholar at the University of Cambridge/UK and Professeur associé as holder of the Alfred Grosser Chair at the Institut d'Études Politiques de Paris (Sciences Po).

Research Interests


  • International Relations and International Security
  • German Foreign and Security Policy
  • Strategy and Diplomacy
  • Political decision-making Processes
  • German and European History
  • Geoeconomics
  • Intelligence and Foreign Policy

Further expertise

Balkans | Europe | Intelligence | Globalisation | Military Strategy and National Security | NATO | Nuclear Issues | Russia | Transatlantic Relations | Turkey | United Nations | United States of America | Contemporary History

Research Projects


Master of Arts "Strategy and International Security" (MSIS)

The Master's programme "Strategy and International Security", developed by the Henry Kissinger Professorship, started in the winter term 2023/24 at the Institute for Political Science and Sociology at the University of Bonn. The application phase for the winter semester 2024/25 started on June 3 and ran until July 15. 

Here you can find more information on the Master's programme.

Consultation Hours

The next consultation hours for students of the Master's programme "Strategy and International Security" will take place on Wednesday, July 31, at 1pm in the office at Genscherallee 3. Please register in advance at Questions can be asked beforehand via mail (

Summer Term 2024

  • The German Foreign Policy Debate: Political and Legal Aspects (Co-hosts: Dr. Norbert Röttgen, Member of the German Bundestag and Prof. Dr. DDr. h.c. Matthias Herdegen, Director of the Institute for Public Law and the Institute for International Law at the University of Bonn) (the seminar is part of the Master's program Strategy and International Security)
  • Oberseminar of the Doctoral colloquim on methodological problems in contemporary history and international security policy in the digital age (by personal invitation). The next meeting in the winter semester 2024/25 is expected to take place on November 01 and 02, 2024. 

Winter Term 2024/25

  • Strategy and Diplomacy, M.A. Strategy and International Security
  • Research Methods and Tools (together with Philipp van Helden), M.A. Strategy and International Security
  • The Swiss Corridor: Intelligence operations in Switzerland during World War II, together with Dr. Thomas Zaugg, M.A. Strategy and International Security
  • Doctoral colloquium on methodological problems in contemporary history and international security policy in the digital age (by personal invitation)

Winter Term 2023/24

  • Strategy and Diplomacy, M.A. Strategy and International Security
  • Research Methods and Tools (together with Prof. Sigmar Gabriel and Philipp van Helden), M.A. Strategy and International Security

Summer Term 2023

  • Kontroversfragen der Zeitgeschichte (M.A. Sociology)
  • Doctoral colloquim on methodological problems in contemporary history and international security policy in the digital age (by personal invitation)

Winter Term 2022/23

  • Henry Kissinger und Deutschland (M.A. Political Science)

Summer Term 2022

  • Current issues of German foreign and security policy (M.A. Political Science)
  • Doctoral colloquim on methodological problems in contemporary history and international security policy in the digital age (by personal invitation)

Winter Term 2021/22

  • Towards a common strategic culture: Franco-German defense and security cooperation (M.A. Political Science)
  • Der deutsche Auswärtige Dienst und der Wandel der Diplomatie (B.A. Political Science)
  • Master colloquium

Summer Term 2021

  • Die Bundeswehr als Instrument der deutschen Sicherheitspolitik (M.A. Sociology)
  • Methodological problems in contemporary history and international security policy in the digital age (M.A. Political Science)
  • Master colloquium

Winter Term 2020/21

  • Historische und politische Grundlagen der deutsch-französischen Sicherheitsbeziehungen (M.A. Sociology)
  • Das Strategische Konzept der Nordatlantischen Allianz (M.A. Political Science)
  • Doctoral colloquium

Summer Term 2020

  • Burdensharing in den europäisch-amerikanischen Sicherheitsbeziehungen (M.A. Sociology)
  • Deutsche Außenpolitik und strategischer Wandel: Zur aktuellen Debatte über die deutsche Außenpolitik (B.A. Political Science) 

Events Hosted by the HKP

The Henry Kissinger Professorship for Security and Strategic Studies (HKP) hosts a number of events with distinguished guests from academia, politics, and business, both as part of CASSIS and in cooperation with external partners.

Current Event Series: 75 years of NATO

Summer semester 2024 | 6-8 p.m. (c.t.) | Lecture hall IV in the main building of the University of Bonn. The lectures will be held in German. Click here for further information.


    Past Events and Event Series: 

    In the last session of the lecture series "75 years of NATO", Retired Colonel Michael Angerer, Head of Division Policy I 3 (NATO) in the Federal Ministry of Defense in Berlin spoke about current geostrategic challenges for NATO and the most important debates within the alliance before the upcoming summit in Washington.

    In the fourth session of the lecture series "75 Years of NATO", Vanessa Vohs, Research Associate at the Chair of International Politics, Bundeswehr University, Munich, spoke about the role of AI and autonomy in weapon systems for the future of armed conflicts and NATO.

    In the third session of the lecture series “75 Years of NATO”, Dr. Arndt Freytag von Loringhoven, former ambassador and former Assistant Secretary General of NATO, spoke about the current challenges facing NATO and the question of whether we are in a “Second Cold War”. 

          Here you will find overviews of past and upcoming CASSIS events.

          News of the HKP

          • Interview with Ulrich Schlie in General-Anzeiger on the NATO-summit in Washington (12.07.2024)
          • Guest article by Ulrich Schlie in Hürriyet on Ludwig Erhard's migration policy (09.07.2024)
          • Guest article by Ulrich Schlie in Cicero on the parallels between Ludwig Erhard and Olaf Scholz (07.07.2024)
          • Guest article by Ulrich Schlie in Cicero on Orbán's lightning visit to Moscow (06.07.2024)
          • Interview with Ulrich Schlie in WDR about the US presidential election campaign (05.07.2024)
          • Interview with Ulrich Schlie in The European about Ludwig Erhard's chancellorship (02.07.2024)
          • Interview with Ulrich Schlie in Bayern 2 about Ludwig Erhard's memoirs (01.07.2024)
          • Interview with Ulrich Schlie in the podcast 'Politik mit Stil' about Ludwig Erhard's memoirs (01.07.2024)
          • Interview with Ulrich Schlie with the Bayerischer Rundfunk on the publication of Ludwig Erhard's memoirs (01.07.2024)
          • Interview with Ulrich Schlie at Dussmann for the book launch of Ludwig Erhard's memoirs (26.06.2024)
          • Interview with Ulrich Schlie in on Ludwig Erhard's forged CDU party membership (25.06.2024)
          • Interview with Ulrich Schlie in the Handelsblatt on the publication of Ludwig Erhard's memoirs (21.06.2024)
          • Contribution by Ulrich Schlie in the Neue Züricher Zeitung (NZZ) about the 80th anniversary of the D-Day (06.06.2024)
          • Interview with Ulrich Schlie in bonnFM: "Wir können uns unterschiedliche Stufen von Sicherheit in Europa nicht leisten" (05.06.2024)
          • Contribution by Ulrich Schlie and Jochen Sautermeister in the Neue Züricher Zeitung (NZZ): "Friedensbotschaften, die verstören" (01.06.2024)
          • Interview with Ulrich Schlie in the Tagesspiegel: "Treibt das Regime nach dem Angriff auf Israel sein Atomprogramm voran?" (26.04.2024)
          • Interview with Ulrich Schlie in Kurier: "Iran gegen Israel: Wie viele Schritte sind es noch bis zur Atombombe?" (21.04.2024)
          • Interview with Ulrich Schlie in "Iran hat bald die Atombombe" (20.04.2024)
          • Interview with Ulrich Schlie in „Der Angriff des Irans hat für die USA ein strategisches Dilemma ausgelöst" (16.04.2024)
          • Interview with Ulrich Schlie in FR on Iran's attack on Israel: "Auf Worst-Case-Szenario vorbereiten" (15.04.2024)
          • Interview with Ulrich Schlie in Tagespost: "Die NATO hat ihre Notwendigkeit bewiesen" (03.04.2024)
          • Contribution by Ulrich Schlie in Rotary Magazin on NATO's 75th birthday: "Große Aufgaben – damals wie heute". (01.04. 2024)
          • Interview with Ulrich Schlie in Deutschlandfunk: "Anschlag bei Moskau. Terrorziel Kultur" (25.03.2024)
          • Contribution by Ulrich Schlie in Communio: "Mut zur weißen Flagge?" (13.03.2024)
          • Interview with Ulrich Schlie in FAZ: "Die Deutschen und die Angst vor der Bombe" (25.02.2024)
          • Interview with Ulrich Schlie in Weltspiegel (ARD) about the role of the Maidan protests in Ukraine (18.02.2024)
          • Contribution by Ulrich Schlie in Stimmen der Zeit: "Friedensvermittlung. Zur Diplomatie des Vatikans in der Ukraine" (02/2024)
          • Interview with Ulrich Schlie about the threat to german democracy in Il Foglio Quotidiano (02.02.2024)
          • Article by Ulrich Schlie in the "Risikobild 2024" on the capacity of the NATO to act (01/2024)
          • Essay by Ulrich Schlie in Stimmen der Zeit: "Vatikandiplomatie. Papst Franziskus und Israel / Palästina" (01/2024)
          • Guest commentary by Ulrich Schlie in the NZZ about Richard Overys "Weltenbrand. Der große imperiale Krieg, 1931-1945" (15.01.2024)
          • Interview with Ulrich Schlie on WELT TV: On the funeral of Wolfgang Schäuble (08.01.2024)
          • Guest commentary by Ulrich Schlie in the NZZ: "Hitler verknüpfte sein Schicksal mit dem des Deutschen Reichs und scheiterte damit. Wird es Putin ähnlich gehen?" (06.01.2024)
          • Article by Ulrich Schlie in the NZZ: Obituary for Wolfgang Schäuble (28.12.2023)
          • Interview with Ulrich Schlie on WELT TV: On the death of Wolfgang Schäuble (27.12.2023)
          • Article by Ulrich Schlie in Handelsblatt: "Why Europe must strategically reposition itself" (22.12.2023)
          • Interview with Ulrich Schlie on rbb radioeins: Can an international security alliance protect merchant ships? (22.12.2023)
          • Interview with Ulrich Schlie in Aktuelle Stunde (WDR): Obituary for Henry Kissinger (30.11.2023)
          • Interview with Ulrich Schlie in the General Anzeiger about Henry Kissinger's role for the professorship (30.11.2023)
          • Interview with Ulrich Schlie on WELT TV: Obituary for Henry Kissinger “Er war eine Ausnahmegestalt” (30.11.2023)
          • Article by Ulrich Schlie in Cicero: Obituary for Henry Kissinger "Ein Glücksfall für Deutschland" (30.11.2023)
          • Article by Ulrich Schlie in the Frankfurter Rundschau: Obituary for Henry Kissinger "Dank Kissinger bekam Deutschland eine zweite Chance" (30.11.2023)
          • Interview with Ulrich Schlie for ZDF heute on the poisoning of the wife of the head of Ukrainian military intelligence, Marianna Budanova (29.11.2023)
          • Interview with Ulrich Schlie for Deutschlandfunk: "Krieg in Ukraine und Nahost" (19.11.2023)
          • Article by Ulrich Schlie for Cicero on the Defense Policy Guidelines: "Die neue Kriegstüchtigkeit" (13.11.2023)
          • Interview with Ulrich Schlie for the Podcast "Koschwitz am Wochenende" on Iran's role in the Hamas attacks (23.10.2023)
          • Interview with Ulrich Schlie for Generalanzeiger: "In jedem Konflikt muss man der Diplomatie eine Chance geben" (19.10.2023)
          • DAAD-Policytalk with Ulrich Schlie: International scientific cooperation in the context of a national security strategy (18.10.2023)
          • Interview with Ulrich Schlie for Merkur (IPPEN.Media): "Terrorgefahr in Europa ist gestiegen" (18.10.2023)
          • Interview with Ulrich Schlie for Morgenecho (WDR5): "Krieg in Israel: Wie ist die aktuelle Lage im Gazastreifen?" (14.10.2023)
          • Interview with Ulrich Schlie for Frankfurter Rundschau (IPPEN.Media): "Israel droht Fünf-Fronten-Krieg: „Existenzkampf der jetzigen israelischen Generation“ (13.10.2023)
          • Interview with Ulrich Schlie for Tagesspiegel: "Minen, Häuserkampf, Hinterhalte: Die wichtigsten Fragen und Antworten zur möglichen Bodenoffensive in Gaza" (13.10.2023)
          • Lectures by Ulrich Schlie at the Cusanuswerk Summer Academy on German Foreign Policy in Transition in Papenburg (05./06.09.2023)
          • Article by Ulrich Schlie for the WELT on the current military situation of the Russian war of aggression (21.07.2023)
          • Lecture on the anniversary of 20 July 1944 by Sophie Freifrau von Bechtolsheim and Ulrich Schlie at the Feldjägerschule in Hanover (21.07.2023)
          • Article by Ulrich Schlie on the anniversary of 20 July 1944 in Die Tagespost (20.07.2023)
          • Guest commentary by Ulrich Schlie on the National Security Strategy in the Neue Zürcher Zeitung (10.07.2023)
          • Guest commentary by Ulrich Schlie for Tagespost "Eine verpasste Chance - Deutschlands Sicherheitsstrategie hält nicht, was sie verspricht" (23.06.2023)
          • Ceremony for Henry Kissinger on the occasion of his 100th birthday in Fürth with Ulrich Schlie (20.06.2023)
          • Lecture and Scientific Responsibility "War Chaos and Peace Order. What we can learn from history" at the Bildungszentrum Kloster Banz (05.06.2023)
          • Moderation of the panel "Staatsintervention vs. Wettbewerb - Anfänge der Sozialen Marktwirtschaft und Herausforderungen der Gegenwart" (01.06.2023)
          • Interview with Ulrich Schlie for the Neue Osnabrücker Zeitung: "Krieg in Europa - aber Ampel vertagt Nationale Sicherheitsstrategie" (28.05.2023)
          • Essay by Ulrich Schlie for WELT: "Was in der Gestapo-Akte über Henry Kissingers Familie steht" (27.05.2023)
          • Essay by Ulrich Schlie for Cicero: "100. Geburtstag von Henry Kissinger- Zwischen Geist und Macht" (27.05.2023)
          • Lecture by Ulrich Schlie at the National University of Public Service in Budapest on Kissinger's view of history and understanding of politics (26.05.2023)
          • Lecture by Ulrich Schlie at the Munich Foreign Affairs Association on Henry Kissinger and Germany (25.05.2023)
          • Moderation of the panel "German Strategic Culture and Zeitenwende: is Germany changing" with Dr Aylin Matlé in London (11.05.2023)
          • Expert Discussion of the Academy of International Affairs NRW on the Situation in Moldova and the Role of the European Union in South Eastern Europe (04.05.2023)
          • Presentation of his study and following discussion with Ulrich Schlie at the Hanns Seidel Stiftung about geopolitical powershifts on the balkan (27.04.2023)
          • Impulse lecture by Ulrich Schlie on the panel "Global/political level" at the conference Future developments of rhe planning staff of the German armed Forces (25.04.2023)
          • Lecture by Ulrich Schlie at the Institute of Advanced Studies Kőszeg about the future role of Europe in the world (24.04.2023)
          • Expert discussion of the VdSt with Ulrich Schlie and Sigmar Gabriel on lessons learned and the future of German foreign policy (17.04.2023)
          • Interview with Ulrich Schlie for T-Online: "Bedrohte Sicherheit: 'Deutschland muss eine bittere Lektion lernen'" (28.02.2023)
          • Essay by Ulrich Schlie for Cicero: "Mit wortgewaltigem Zynismus in den Untergang" (18.02.2023)
          • Essay by Ulrich Schlie for die Welt: "Warum der Egoismus der Ministerien unsere Sicherheitspolitik lahmlegt" (24.01.2023)
          • Essay by Ulrich Schlie for Cicero: "Ein Vertrag gegen die Geschichte und für die Zukunft eines einigen Europas" (22.02.2023)
          • Essay by Ulrich Schlie for Cicero: "Die Bundeswehr à la carte hat ausgedient" (17.01.2023)
          • Essay by Ulrich Schlie for the Herder Korrespondenz: "Widerständige Literaten" (01.01.2023)
          • Lecture by Ulrich Schlie for the Akademie für europäischen Menschenrechtsschutz: "Machtverschiebungen im Balkanraum" (11.01.2023)

          Research fellows

          Avatar Wiluda

          Fenja Wiluda

          Avatar van Helden

          Philipp van Helden


          Avatar Siegert

          Carina Siegert

          Research Assistants

          Avatar Ansén

          Rebecca Ansén

          Avatar Bell

          Johannes Bell

          Avatar Durkut

          Ilayda Durkut

          Avatar Kruckow

          Gregor Kruckow

          Avatar Mai

          Max-Christian Mai

          Avatar Nagel

          Corvin Nagel

          Avatar Schneider

          Julian Schneider

          Avatar Schwafferts

          Julius Schwafferts


          Avatar Brendler

          Johannes Brendler

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